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1. Name


The Club shall be called Boscombe Albion Association Football Club and shall be affiliated to the Hampshire County Football Association.

2. Objects


The Club’s objects will be to provide association football for its members and such social and recreational pursuits as may be deemed desirable by the committee.

The Club will also abide by the FA Codes of Conduct, Child Protection Policies and Procedures. Anti- Discrimination Policies will also be in-place, providing Equal Opportunities for all members.

3. The Officers

The Officers shall comprise a Chairman, Treasurer, Club Secretary, Ladies/Girls Club Secretary (If and when teams exist), Mini Soccer Secretary,(If and when teams exist) Club Welfare Officer and Managers Liaison Officer, all of whom will be elected at the Annual General Meeting.


4. Committee


The Club shall be controlled by the General Committee, consisting of the Officers, all Managers and up to four other members.

5. Powers of Committee

  1. The property and/or assets of the club shall be invested by the General Committee.

  2. The General Committee shall have the power to appoint any Sub Committees which, from time to time are deemed necessary. Reports to be received from Sub Committees at the monthly Meetings.

  3. The General Committee shall have the power to suspend or expel any member deemed guilty of conduct prejudicial to the good name of the Club.

  4. The General Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies which may arise between Annual General Meetings.


6. Dissolution

  1. A resolution to dissolve the Club shall only be proposed at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting and shall be carried by a majority of at least three-quarters.

  2. The dissolution shall take effect from the date of the resolution and the Club committee shall be responsible for the winding up of the assets and liabilities of the Club.

7. Membership

  1. Membership shall consist of all Registered Players, related non playing members and any others invited by the Club.

  2. Candidates for election shall be proposed and seconded by Club Members. A Member wishing to resign shall give notice, in writing to the Club Secretary. Such notice to be accompanied by payment of all Club dues to that date.

8. Subscription

The Annual Subscription to the Club shall be as deemed by the A.G.M. All members shall receive a copy of the Club Rules and Codes of Conduct, on joining.

9. Annual General Meeting


  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held no later than June 30th in each year. The Club Secretary shall give 21 clear days notice of such meetings to all members.

  2. The Financial Statement, Club Chairman and Club Secretary’s Reports shall be received by the meeting which will also elect the Officers and General Committee by ballot and where appropriate, appoint Auditors and transact Any Other Business

  3. Voting rights shall be restricted to parents or guardians or other adult members invited into the Club under rule 6. No proxy votes, and all motions deemed passed by a majority of one.


10. Extraordinary General Meeting

  1. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the General Committee when deemed desirable, or upon the written request of 5 members.

  2. The Club Secretary shall give seven clear days notice to all members of such meetings at which 7 members shall form a quorum.


11. Finance

  1. The General Committee shall cause to be kept proper books of account which shall be audited yearly.

  2. Official receipts for all monies received shall be signed by either the Chairman, Treasurer or the Club Secretary.

  3. The General Committee shall authorise cheques to be signed by at least two of its Officers.


12. Alteration to Club Rules


No alterations to these club rules shall be made except at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose and only if supported by a majority of one of those present and voting at such meetings. Notice of proposed alterations to these rules must be given to the Hampshire League Secretary 28 days before the A.G.M. in each year and notified to members on notice of the meeting.

13. Vice Presidents

Persons who are considered to have made exceptional contribution to the Club may be proposed as Vice-Presidents. Nominations for new holders of the office shall be made in writing to the Hampshire League Secretary at least 14 days prior to the A.G.M. Existing Vice-Presidents to be nominated ‘en bloc’ at each A.G.M.


14. Complaints Procedure

In the event that any person from within or outside the club has a complaint against the club or any of its officers, the complaint should be addressed to the Club Secretary.
If the complaint is about, or related to either the Club Secretary the complaint should be addressed to one of the other officers.

The complaint must specify as much information as possible

  • The nature of the complaint. Describe clearly the issue.

  • The date, time and location of the incident if appropriate

  • Names of any others who have been treated in a similar way

  • Details of any former complaints made about the incident, date, when and to whom made

  • All relevant evidence, context and witness names and statements

  • Details of attempts to resolve the issue to date


The Club Secretary or other committee member will nominate an Investigating Officer from the current Committee.

The Investigating Officer will gather evidence only and produce a report for the committee.

The Deciding Officer will be nominated by the Club Secretary from the current Committee.

The Deciding Officer will present a summary of the evidence to Committee with a recommendation as to whether a sanction is appropriate and what level of sanction may be appropriate.


Sanctions include all those found within the Codes of Conduct adopted by the Club and will be appropriate to the nature of the offence.

If the complaint is about a Committee member, that member will absent themselves from Committee for the decision making process.

If the complaint is about the Chairperson, then the Club Secretary or another Committee member (not the Investigating or Deciding Officer), will take the Chair for the decision process.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision an appeal should be sent to the Chairperson.
That appeal should include reasons for appealing, including any new evidence.

Reasons can include the failure to follow the agreed process or that the decision is so disconnected from the evidence that it is perverse.

An appeal will be considered and the decision shall be final and all Committee members bound by it.

15. Other Business

Any matter not governed by the foregoing rules shall be dealt with by the General Committee, the decision of which shall be final and binding.

Club Secretary

Carole McNeil




Dave Little                              



Dave Little



Child Welfare Officer

Bailie Little


Recruitment Officer

Jimmy Shawyer


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