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Protocol & Behaviour Summary

Government and FA Guidance for the return to Football,


  • Wash / Sanitise your hands regularly and frequently 

  • Self-Assess for any Covid 19 symptoms before travelling to Training, Matches or Meeting 

  • Always maintain Social Distancing and good hygiene. 

  • Clean Balls, Kit and Equipment frequently 

  • Do not share Kit, Equipment, Water Bottles / Refreshments 

  • Comply with the FA Code of Behaviour 

  • Away matches, comply with the Home club Protocols and Behaviours 


Protocols and Behaviour Summary 


Before Leaving Home for Training, Matches or Meetings Self Assess against the our Covid-19 Self - Assessment Checklist. ANY POSITIVE ANSWERS – STAY AWAY and follow Government and NHS Track and Trace guidelines 


If you become symptomatic or feel unwell whilst attending or participating in Training or a Match day, YOU MUST LEAVE IMMEDIATELY, RETURN HOME AND FOLLOW GOVERNMENT and NHS Track and Trace guidelines.


Bring your own clearly labelled Drinks bottles, Refreshments, Hand Sanitiser and Face Coverings (where appropriate) and DO NOT share. 


Travel individually in your own vehicles, DO NOT travel in groups, share vehicles, or use public transport unless necessary in which case consider Social distancing, Face Coverings and Hand washing / Sanitiser before and after journey. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED not to travel in coaches or minibuses. Where there is no other alternative Face Coverings should be worn.

Stagger arrival times to Training and Matches and arrive dressed and ready to go. There will be no changing room facilities for the time being. On arrival at Matches (Home or Away) or Meetings / Gatherings log your contact details on our Track and Trace log, confirm that you have completed your self-assessment. Follow any one-way systems. Always maintain Social Distancing when attending Training, Match days or Meetings.


All Balls and Equipment must be cleaned with disinfectant, BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER TRAINING, WARM-UP and MATCHES, particularly where they have been touched by people not in the match squad (including the Visiting team or anyone outside of the field of play).

Electronic and /or Photo of the Team Sheet should be sent to the opposite team management and Match Officials if possible, to reduce transmission if possible. 


There will be NO Respect Handshakes before game. 




Social Distancing MUST always BE MAINTAINED in the Technical Areas.

There must be NO FACE TO FACE SHOUTING and all interactions with other players and Match Officials must be kept to social distancing. (excluding normal play) NO SPITTING.

Sock tape must not be left on the pitch side. It must be disposed of in the bin



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